Bladder Exstrophy
Operation Day
Operation Day
Initial reconstructive surgery may be performed between three and six months for the first surgery. Included in this surgery would be the repair of the bladder placing it back into the body where it belongs along with double osteotomies, which is required to bring the pelvic bones back together to keep the bladder inside the body. You can expect your little one to be in the hospital for approximately one week and then sent home with proper care instructions.
Our Technique
At OKC Kids Urology, we believe in the Complete Primary Repair of Exstrophy (CPRE) method. With the CPRE approach, the bladder is closed and the epispadias is repaired at the same time. The operation will involve the closure and placing of the bladder back into the body as well as repair of the external genitalia, as well as closure of the lower abdominal wall muscles and skin.
Most newborns at OKC Kids Urology will require osteotomies to close the pubic bones and to prevent potential failure. Hospital stays will vary but usually range between one and four weeks.
The result of this surgical approach provides the path toward adequate dryness and voiding in some patients, which could make it unnecessary to perform a bladder neck reconstruction for the treatment of incontinence. Usually, the belly button is reconstructed at this time, also. Bear in mind that while there has been a great deal of success and improvement of outcomes in Bladder Exstrophy, further surgery is possible as the child gets older.
Possibly one of the best things you can do for your little one from birth is to keep them connected to a pediatric urologist that is an expert with Bladder Exstrophy (preferably from a Center of Excellence). Regular checkups and following the aftercare plans as closely as possible are important for the child to maintain daily health and growth, particularly when considering kidneys, bladder, urethra development.
Even if your child feels healthy and has no symptoms, it is vital for them to have an annual evaluation of their kidney and bladder function. Your doctor should know you by name due to the relationship that becomes created through this condition and there should be an open line of communication as needed.