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How Is Bladder Exstrophy Diagnosed and Treated?

Treatment for bladder exstrophy starts at birth: the protruding bladder is covered with a transparent plastic dressing to protect it. The primary treatment for Bladder Exstrophy (BEX) is reconstructive surgery and/or multiple surgeries. The primary goals of the reconstruction surgery are to: Maintain normal renal function Improve enough bladder function and capacity, and ultimately gain […]

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Parenting for Children with Bladder Distrophy

When observing a child’s development, we as professionals often forget the obvious: as a child develops, the parents develop as well. This perspective is hardly minor. Parents are typically involved with their children throughout their child’s life. Parents impact their child; their child impacts the parents. This may seem obvious, but when parenting an atypical

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Psychological Development of Children with Bladder Exstrophy

As parents, it is important to understand that the age of children and adolescents has a strong influence on their perception and understanding of their bladder exstrophy. Their lives are deeply rooted in family, school, and peer relationships. While acceptance and understanding of their birth defect comes with maturity, it is essential to provide the

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What is Epispadias?

Epispadias is part of the overall bladder exstrophy complex, although it can occur in isolation as a lesser form of exstrophy, with or without some involvement of the bladder opening (called the bladder neck). Epispadias is characterized by the failure of the urethra to close properly, allowing the inner lining to be flattened and exposed

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